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Dynamic Websites

CMS Websites

dynamic web page is a kind of web page that has been prepared with fresh information (content and/or layout), for each individual viewing. It is not static because it changes with the time (ex. a news content), the user (ex. preferences in a login session), the user interaction (ex. web page game), the context (parametric customization), or any combination of the foregoing.

Dynamic website is called that way mainly because of its automation. We are well versed with all the different rules and algorithms to create a dynamic website and the need for excellent content in its proper place. We will create interactive surfaces that will ensure repeated visits by a surfer.

much easier to keep a dynamic website fresh and updated
user contributed content – Forums, comments, etc
customizable per user with templates

We can introduce news or bulletin board which is being constantly updated. All these features keep the website literally moving with the times. We can develop automated menus that will change themselves every time you change the site structure, create or remove pages, rename them, add sections. The automated dynamic website will have a vital feature which enables the surfer to contact you hence adds tremendously to your business prospect.

Advantages of Dynamic Website Design